Visit to SoftBank would be incomplete if Bon Bon didn't say hello to the figure of SoftBank's mascot Otosan, the most popular dog in Japan.
If you don't recognize this famous dog, you may be familiar with Softbanks mega successful advertising campaign. How there are more than 100 episodes featuring Otosan on TV.
Otosan is the father of Shirato family. He has a wife, daughter, both Japanese, and African-American son ^_^
Real Otosan featured in SoftBank's commercials is a Hokkaido-Inu named Kai-kun. His is breed declared as a rare species protected by law.
Otosan is the father of Shirato family. He has a wife, daughter, both Japanese, and African-American son ^_^
Real Otosan featured in SoftBank's commercials is a Hokkaido-Inu named Kai-kun. His is breed declared as a rare species protected by law.